Monday, July 18, 2011

Because I'm actually a 7-year-old boy

Hey lovelies,

I have to share my embarrassment and the awesomeness.  What's so awesome?  7 fantastic tools for starting fires with style.  Why embarrassing?  Because my sheer excitement to see magnesium flints, drip torches and a really effing powerful laser.

I'm 7!

Here's pics of my new favorite toys:  

 S3 Artic Laser with the power to burn a hole through paper, plastic, wood, and probably a wall.  Excellent.  All yours for the low low price of $300.

At about half the cost, make fire rain from this spout.  I'd really like to see a drip torch in action.  I'd really like to be the person putting it in action.  

Aurora magnesium fire starter.  Flick a knife over the surface and watch the sparks rain down.  Awesome.  It's only $20, so feasible.  As a birthday present for my brother.  And myself.  

Cool.  If you're a boy scout and it's 1950.    
(It's a bow and drill, in case you didn't know.  It also almost looks like it could shoot flaming arrows, which would be cooler.) 

But if those are all too flashy, a $4 box of strike-anywheres will always get the job done.  

Here's the Complete list.
But I covered the most fun ones.  

Jeez, I am such a pyro.  And now that I've disturbed your Monday morning and possibly made you wonder what I'm going to end up burning down, I've got some magnesium flints to purchase online.  


  1. II
    Wow. Just wow. I like how these are being commercially sold.

  2. Dude, that magnesium one looks like a microphone. I was like "OMG. A FIRE-STARTING MICROPHONE--GAGA WOULD TOTALLY USE THAT." and then realized that it was just a fire starter and it's not a microphone.

    I want one. I mean, just to say I have one. Not to start fires. Or set a house on Gilbert St. on fire. Or anything.

    Fire is bad. BAAAAAAD.

  3. Oh dear, Ada. You're a little fire crazy. I can't believe you love the magnesium one so much. That's silly.

    Because CLEARLY the Artic Laser is the best! It looks like a light saber for god's sake!

    I love fire. And starting fires. Me and my siblings are kind of pyros. There used to be a video of Paul squirting formula 409 on a grill to make the flames climb while Emily watched. And it was all set to the song, wait for it, "Burning Ring of Fire" by J. Cash as I just now decided to call him.

    There's nothing wrong with us.
