Thursday, August 25, 2011

Random Thing

I realize I probably shouldn't post Cracked here again because it might give you the impression that I spend all day reading Cracked and nothing else. (Not true! I also watch Star Trek!) But this is actually a really sweet article that made me cry. It's called "8 Tiny Things That Stopped Suicides." Enjoy.


  1. But sometimes those little things don't work. But it's good to know that some of these things can wake people up.


  2. @Allya- Cracked is usually pretty crass. So I was on and reading and it was like, "Poop joke. Masturbation joke. Poop joke. Boner joke- what's this? Suicide? *weep* DAMN YOU CRACKED!"

    @Ada- As long as it works sometimes it's enough to give you hope.
