Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Cylon, I saw this on a lovely website I peruse sometimes while at work.  I mean, I work all the time.  I mean, I was on break at the time.  Probably.  And I immediately thought of you. 

Your welcome.

Also, as I was Skyping with Ada (who also saw this page), she decided we should all buy his tails and swim in a lagoon.  I wholeheartedly agree.


  1. My first reaction was not, as one might suspect, to think "that guy is crazy." It was, "How much would one of those tails cost?"

    Though I'm pretty sure it would be hella heavy in the water. We used to use flippers in swim practice and they would make your feet all crampy. I can't even imagine if your legs were bound together.

    Yes, let's all be mermaids. Starting . . . now.
