Saturday, April 21, 2012

We should all ASPIRE to be this woman.

Also, what the fuck is up with the format?!


  1. Lol. "The worst thing on a date: the guy is laid-back and no fun!" Really? The WORST thing? This begs the question, how many dates have you been on?

    Where did you find this? Is this actually on tv? How does the cameraman not die of laughing?

    @ Cylon: the format of what? the video? Like why aren't the question asked? Their budget doesn't allow for that extra time.

  2. Pretty amazing. I'm into this. Though I get a little suspicious of "I like to do crazy things." There's a short line between doing something amusing like stealing a funny sign at a restaurant or going dancing in the moonlight to setting a cop car on fire. If anyone ever asks me what I'm looking for in relationship I will direct them here.

    @ Allya's question to Cylon, possibly Cylon- Is Cylon talking about the new Blogger format? My thing just changed. Everything's changing, man. Facebook's trying to get me to claim my timeline, Blogger's moving around it's shit and Gmail keeps asking me for samples of my blood and DNA. (Okay my phone number and to connect EVERY E-MAIL ACCOUNT I'VE EVER HAD EVER), but it's pretty much the same.

  3. I could totally see her setting a cop car on fire when she's blitzed. Is that just me?

    @ Cerasi: Gmail does want our DNA!! It asks me for my phone number all the time under the guise of 'your account will be more secure'. Bullshit. They just want to track every single move you make for the Google-knows-everything database. AHHHH!

  4. What are you talking about. I'm already that woman. duh.

    Anyway, I found this video quite amusing. I feel better about myself now. I hope she found love. Actually, not really, because that would just mean there's something seriously wrong with ME if she can find someone and I can't.


    fb hasn't asked me about timeline yet. The day it does is the day I get rid of it. I don't do well with change.
