Friday, September 23, 2011

I'm so tired

I'm back, but first I'd like to say

Okay, now back to business.

I got back from Toronto on Saturday after a supposed eleven hour drive turned into a thirteen hour drive after a ton of highway construction. The only good part about adding two hours to my trip was at least I had some amazing bagels and David Sedaris audio books.

For the past few days I have suffered from a great amount of fatigue and just plain woe. I did not have internet on the road or barely at home because of my parents living in the middle of the woods. Currently I am just hoping to make it to Minneapolis or somewhere in the MidWest next year so I can get out of here.

Just wanted to give an update. A more concise one will come soon, but I just did not want you guys to worry. Now for something fun.


  1. Hello, dearest! So glad to hear that you're safely back home :) I'm sorry being home has been a bit of a downer, but you know, it'll be just a little while before you get to move out and live on your own again!

    Can't wait to talk to you tomorrow :3 Be prepared to tell me all about Canada!

  2. Thanks for checking in. Sorry you're, uh, so tired. I hope you'll be less tired soon.

    Can't wait to hear more from you. Good to have you back on the blog Cylon.

  3. Construction sucks. And yes, in just a little while you'll be somewhere else. Hope you're recovering from the drive.

    I'm looking forward to hearing more about the trip too!
