Friday, August 9, 2013

Cue the OK GO

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 . . . I'm getting a crush on a guy I work with.

He's nerdy and awkward and into computer stuff (he's our programming guy), and I thought he was in his thirties but he recently revealed that he saw the first Pokemon Movie in sixth grade which I think makes him just a few years older than me.

We like all of the same TV shows (Doctor Who, the IT Crowd, Spaced, Metalocalypse, Venture Bros). He also seems kind of immature (he's talked A LOT about his ex) and said he didn't want to have a daughter because he was worried she would grow up to be a slut. (That was a weird conversation.)

I can't help it. Nerdy guys are my Kryptonite.

I ALSO have a crush on this super, super, super, super nice guy that works at the record store. He has long, straight brown hair down his back and wears nothing but metal shirts. (Yeah, I know. Look familiar?) We had a huge storm recently and I sent him a message asking if they were okay (the power was out for a day and a half).

He said they were, and then said, "I hope you're okay too, lady."

Did I mention he's like the nicest fucking guy? And has tattoos. And wants to brew his own beer.

I don't know what the point of this post is. Except maybe that I never learn. Also, I think I need to get laid. I'm about to jump on the next guy I see.


  1. Hey, I have a crush on a conservative guy who's like 11 years older than me and who looks a little like Seth Meyers..... Does that make you feel better? I'm not sure if it should, but all I can say is I get it.

  2. @Allya- That does make me feel better. Seth Meyers is cute . . . I guess, I've never thought about it before. I had to look us his name and then I was like, "Oh yeah, that guy. Yeah, he's cute."

    Ever since I moved into my mid-twenties the decade older crush has gotten a lot more feasible. I don't know what it is. It's like, "You're so economically stable. I want that!" Among other things.

  3. First guy sounds like maybe not the best romantic match, but maybe more a friend. It's probs the daughter comment that throws me off the most.

    Yep, one of the Java House baristas is really catching my eye and she is so talkative. Problem is ugly tattoos!

    Blerg, why cant people be as perfect as us?
