Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hey Look! A Poem!

I'd feel bad about posting twice in one day . . . if we posted more. But we don't, so I don't. E and I went to a poetry reading today which was great. I actually wrote this a couple of days ago, but it's been on my mind and I want to share. Please enjoy.

Not Quite Moriarty

Villains, in real life,
are completely boring.

I was prepared for dastardly plans,
Mustache twirling highbrow egomaniacs-
their goals lofty, their devices fowl, yes, but with a kind of
deadly elegance.

Real life villains employ manipulation
To get out of parking tickets,
they play with the lives of others
by planning the work schedules in a way
that favor some more than others.

Devious energy I can handle,
But not neediness,
and contempt,
and blatant, blatant stupidity that I am
forced to endure while their
clumsy machinations fail to enchant me with their
complete transparency.

I never thought I would be so disappointed
in the nature of evil.


  1. The title is fantastic. Already I have visions of the Moriarty from Sherlock looking with disdain on our real life villains...

    I think the first 2 stanzas are my favorite. Where is that higher class of villain? The real bad guys in our lives are lame schmucks.

    I guess the good news is we don't have to be Sherlock to outsmart them :)

  2. Oh, Moriarty. You just pwn normal villains, but if you didn't have Sherlock to play with, would you still be as fun as you were?

    I love this poem. Simple, tone laced with anger and disgust--you're so good at that. ;) And that's not an insult! It's the highest form of compliment. hahahaha. <3

    Lovely poem. I'm glad that mustache twirling is still considered supervillain-like. You can never get enough of it. Unless it's in real life, because then I'd just have something to aim at when I shoot the mofo in the face. :D
