Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cylon's Novel in Progress

So at the beginning of January 2012 when I was still a super volunteer for a bunch of political organizations as a result of unemployment, I began to write down a list of characters and ideas floating around my head. What came of the characters and ideas was the idea of a feminist sci-fi novel where women were no longer needed to create life. As a result, they are expendable figures used as soldiers in a losing battle with the aliens from space. 

The story is still very rough at the point and I am still developing the characters. Hopefully in the month I have off, I will have time to better flesh out my characters. What I am giving you today is something I wrote in the time between my two campaigns. It is super rough. What you need to know to understand the piece is that Anonta is the main character who is drafted into the army. Setting is the battlefield and being chastised after the battle. Sorry if this is rough, but I wanted to contribute something creative and feedback on how to expand. 

The ground smelled of sulfur, lead and cotton. John Flannery, an Irishman, began his cotton plantation in 1840 even though an Irish man in the South was an already unwelcome site. He had six slaves in the field, two in the house, one his bed and four in the ground.  The farm did not disintegrate till 1890, when he was too feeble to keep the sharecroppers at bay. He was the last body put into the ground.
            Anonta awoke facing John Flannery’s skull, wondering how long ago the bomb had surfaced his body. Worst of all, how long had she been knocked out? Her helmet had disappeared.

            “Why did you give up Ma’am?” Officer
            “Knocked out by the bomb and woke up by a skull.” Anonta
            Officer slapped her. He stood. Shook her.
            “Don’t you understand that we are in a WAR? Some may say you are expendable, but we will make you an efficient weapon of war. Slacker.”
            Anonta snapped her nose back into place. Blood flowed down her mud-covered chest, but all she could think was the skull of John Flannery. Why did they play war games in a cemetery?

            Her dorm mate played Wagner.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I think you told me a bit about this a while ago. And I like! More please!

    One grammatical thing- site at the end of the 1st sentence should be sight. I know it's rough, but that's just the English major in me.

    I like that we know the name and back story of the skull Anonta finds, but does she know his name? If she does, how?

    I'm assuming the war is taking place on Earth. How did it come to that? Where are the aliens from? Are people still on Earth? If they aren't, where are they and why did they leave?

    Okay, I could probably come up with more questions, but I'm not sure that would be helpful to you. So, I'll just wait patiently for more of this story. :)
